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Beliefs That Set You Free

Last week, we discussed the importance of identifying limiting beliefs that restrict or prevent you from going after everything you truly want. We hope you took some time to canvas your life, thoughts, and experiences to identify where you may be operating in limiting beliefs. For many of us, it is not lack of money, experience, or time or money that holds us back from living full out. Instead, it is limiting beliefs that deny many people access to a life of more. More love, more joy, more fulfillment, more passion, more, more, more!

Limiting beliefs take root in our childhood and during our young adult years. We often take on the perceptions of us that our parents, extended family, teachers, and friends project about us. Don’t get us wrong. Usually, these people are not trying to hurt you. They just project their failures and fears on you to protect you from disappointment. The problem is that if you are on a journey to success, you will face failure, rejection, and disappointment.

Failure, frustration, and rejection are a natural part of the success journey.

"A person who desires to pursue a career in a different industry or area may eliminate themselves for a new opportunity because they feel like they aren’t qualified."

Limiting beliefs isn’t the easiest thing to identify because they can appear in different ways and be masked as something else. For example, a person who desires to pursue a career in a different industry or area may eliminate themselves for a new opportunity because they feel like they aren’t qualified. It may be true that the person may not have the background and experience in the new industry or area of focus, but the limiting belief is that you must have such background. Many successful people have entered new industries in which they had no prior experience. Despite that, these people endured until they became successful.  

Limiting beliefs can show up as procrastination. You may wish to have a fit and healthy body, but your limiting belief tells you that everyone else in your family is unhealthy, and that is your lot in life. That limiting belief may show up as you say you’ll start exercising next week and then the next, and you never do. You may also convince yourself that you don’t have time to exercise and meal prep, but you find yourself on Twitter or TikTok for 1-2 hours daily. The truth is you do have time. The truth is also that you are dealing with limiting beliefs that are preventing you from experiencing success in your health and wellness.  

"So, how can you rid yourself of these pesky limiting beliefs?"

Ways to Overcome Limiting Beliefs:

  1. Identify any limiting beliefs that may be impacting you. As we discussed earlier, you must do the work to identify any negative thought patterns that may be impacting your ability to move forward toward the goals and dreams your heart truly desires. Let us caution you to be patient with yourself! It takes time to analyze this. Most of us have lived with these limiting beliefs most of our lives, so give yourself grace as you explore your past, analyze your thinking patterns, and recognize unfruitful habits that limit your ability to move forward.

  2. Question the limiting belief. This is a crucial step in ridding yourself of limiting beliefs. Once you identify the limiting belief, question it. Force yourself to inquire whether this negative thought is true. For instance, you may have thought you were too old to start a business. This is a limiting belief! Question that belief. Is it possible that you could actually start that business at this stage in your life? What is stopping you? What reasons are present that prevent you from opening your business? Does age have anything to do with opening a business? Do customers or clients care about the owner's age when the business offers beneficial goods and services? Do you know the age of the owners of stores you frequent? Does their age factor in you patronizing that establishment? The answer to these questions likely proves that age has little to do with success in owning and operating a business.  

  3. Prove the negative of the negative belief. This is another important step in ridding yourself of limiting beliefs. Once you have completed Steps 1 and 2, now it’s time to provide the negative of the negative belief. To do this, simply find facts and circumstances that refute or disprove your negative belief. In this case, you thought you were too old to start a business. But did you know that Colonel Harland Sanders founded KFC at 62? Research it for yourself! So if Colonel Sanders can do it, so can you!! Find more evidence that disproves the negative thoughts in your mind. The more evidence you find, the more your belief is strengthened that you, too, can start your own business. 

  4. Next, you will reframe the negative belief and replace it with a positive belief. Since your research has proven your negative belief wrong, you can move toward the goals and dreams you have for your life. In this step, you will reframe any negative thoughts by replacing them with new positive thoughts. In this case, you will begin to visualize yourself opening your new business. Create affirmations that align with this goal. Also, create a visualization tool to aid you in seeing yourself accomplishing this goal. We have utilized vision boards, placed pictures as backgrounds on our cell phones, and hung pictures around our house to keep goals in front of our minds. Use the method that works best for you. Spend time visualizing, meditating, and seeing yourself functioning in your dream.   

  5. Get into action! Start moving toward that which you desire. To truly overcome limiting beliefs, you cannot remain stagnant. You must move toward the goal you have set for yourself. Seek God first to ensure you are aligned with what He wants for you. Then, write your vision. Next, set realistic goals. Then, get to work. Finally, continue to practice self-compassion and create a support network of mentors and other people doing what you desire. This step is important to grow your self-confidence, cultivate a winning mindset, and have the support you need when things get hard.  

We hope you will commit to doing the work it takes to overcome limiting beliefs. This trigger is one of the biggest reasons many people don’t reach the success they hope for. To learn more about limiting beliefs check out our Keys to Obtaining What You Want course.

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Giving You The Edge

Our passion and purpose around The Edge Performance Group, LLC is simple!  In coaching others through the years, we've noticed that fear, limiting beliefs, and a lack of sustained focus hinder many people from living the life they want.  At The Edge, we help you to identify and break through obstacles, strengthen mental toughness, and develop an actionable life plan.

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